Earlier this week I read an intriguing blog post on wisebread.com, “Ask the Readers: Are Checks a Thing of the Past? (Chance to win $20!).” It’s not the $20 that grabbed me, but the idea of checks being a thing of the past. I reminisced back to how excited I was to receive my first set of checks. These were no ordinary checks, they were University of Miami (“U” imprinted) personal checks.

Back then, I was happy to write checks and show my school spirit. Today, I write fewer checks and order the free ones. I only write checks for items like school tuition, church, donations and homecare services.

Here are 3 reasons why checks are becoming archaic:

  1. The Information Age has impacted the way we do business. We are all about speed and writing a check is simply too time consuming.
  2. Online Banking. The convenience of paying your bills online helps you schedule automatic payments, reduce paper (eco-friendly) and minimize expenses.
  3. Debit Cards and Credit Cards. It’s more convenient and faster to slide and go.

Plus, if you’re shopping and take out your checkbook in line – you may be faced with grueling stares or disgruntled looks by those who happen to be in a rush.

Do you think checks are becoming archaic? Please share any thoughts you have using comments.

Photo: Bryluen