The Illinois Jump$tart Coalition (ILJC) has scholarships available for educators and students. The Mission of the Illinois Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is to be a catalyst for enhancing the financial capability of young people through advocacy, collaboration and communication among key stakeholders.

According to, the guidelines for these scholarships are as follows:

Educator Scholarships

Eligible recipients must:

  • Reside and work in Illinois, and be public or private school teachers, professional trainers, or volunteers working in financial or economics education or a related field.
  • Have demonstrated significant ability, initiative or achievement involving personal finance or economics education.
  • Have a recommendation from a Principal or Supervisor who is not a family member.
  • Not be current ILJC Directors or members of their families.
  • Scholarship recipients will receive reimbursements of up to $750.00 for either:
    • Registration, accommodations, meals and travel expenses incurred attending the National Jump$tart Coalition’s Annual Educator Conference (, or
    • Expenses incurred participating in another accredited continuing education program related to personal finance or economics instruction.

Student Scholarships

Eligible recipients must:

  • Reside and attend school in Illinois in grade 9 through post-secondary
  • Have demonstrated significant ability, initiative or achievement involving money management.
  • Have a recommendation from a teacher, counselor or other non-family member.
  • Not be family members of current ILJC Directors.
  • Recipients’ financial knowledge or skills may be self-taught, learned at home or through an employer, or acquired through school or a non-profit, community or faith-based organization.
  • If awarded, scholarship funds will be paid directly to the student’s post-secondary school.
  • Scholarships may be used for tuition, books and fees of up to $500.00 at any post-secondary institution in which the recipient is currently enrolled.

For more details please visit Apply today! This quarter’s application deadline is Monday, October 14th.

Please note – The ILJC Board awards the scholarships quarterly.