Here’s what readers are saying about “Get Your Money Right”. Please click the link to read reviews in entirety.

Barnes and Noble reviews :

Must Read if you need help with your finances Get Your Money Right is an excellent book if you need help in any and all financial areas as well as in life. This book is very positive in helping to solve any financial issue you are having. She uses meaningful, positive quotes. Kembala explains from getting out of debt to budgeting to saving to giving in an easy, understanding way. This book motivates you in getting started right away to resolve your financial issues.

This book is a must have! Get you money right is a book that I should have read over 20 years ago; I wouldn’t have created some of the financial issues I am dealing with. But, this book has been instrumental in helping me to start down the path of taking control of my finances. Kembala writes in a manner that is encouraging and positive. Some may come from a background of just making ends meet, so you really didn’t learn how to “Get Your Money Right”. You only knew how to put food on the table or live pay check to pay check. Don’t worry, Kembala teaches you things you may not have learned. One of the best things about this book is, it is written in a manner that the average person can understand.

Excellent Book to Get Your Finances in ORDER! Excellent Book!! A personal finance “money” book with pure optimism—it assures me that we can get out of a debt hole AND it shows (step by step) how to do it.

I read the book in 7 Days…….taking one day to read and digest each of the seven Financial Keys (Key #3 was my FAVORITE). Get Your Money Right teaches practical (and emotional) ways to gain money control. The book helped to strengthen me in multiple areas of my life; not just finance.

Great Book!! Highly Recommend!! Get Your Money Right” is an excellent read and offers unparalleled information regardless of your financial situation or competency. I like to think of myself as having a very high financial IQ. I make a comfortable six-figure salary, own several high dollar real estate properties in the greater Miami area with an entrepreneurial spirit and I found this book extremely insightful.

The 7 keys build upon themselves in a logical order with the first key Developing the Right Mindset is the foundation and most helpful. Keys 3 and 7, Watch Where Your Money Goes and Be Grateful and Give Freely, respectively, are significantly beneficial and inspiring.

FANTASTIC BOOK: This is really A Must Read. This book is very easy to read and it deals with many real issues pertaining to personal finance. Everyone can benefit from reading it.

MUST read for these tough economic times! This book is very motivating. It’s not like the other finance books that use financial jargon that makes you feel clueless to what the author is saying. It hits the nail right on the head. It is an easy read with everyday steps you can take to make changes that will work. I read it over the weekend and was inspired by the personal stories and the overall tone of the book. I am glad to say that my husband was so inspired that he was on the phone Monday morning with the creditors and got action. The second week after he read it, he had half of a credit card paid off. I am excited to see the progress we have made. I have been telling everyone about this book and have ordered two more copies that I will be giving to my siblings. You will truly benefit from this book!

Amazon reviews:

A True Money Management Tool!! GREAT BOOK–Helpful & Insightful & Easy to Read!!

From Page 1, I was pulled in because this book made me more conscious of how we learn about money (even from childhood) and how we can change bad habits quite easily. Kembala Evans covers EVERYTHING……step by step–whatever your situation, it’s in this book! She gives 7 Financial KEYS to help…….and my FAVORITE is Key #3.

You’ve got to get this book. It will really help you… This book is such a great read because it reveals powerful, life-changing tools Kembala used when she was my financial coach.

Kembala is the real deal! With her help, I stopped living paycheck to paycheck, eliminated over $20,000 in student loans, $10,000 in credit debt and raised my credit score to well over 700.

What I received in coaching sessions, you can now have at your fingertips…

– Changing the way you think about money is huge. She helped me change my attitude and she shares how you can do it in the book too.

– The positive and inspiring message that is woven in the book is the same way Kembala motivated me to stay on track with financial my plan even when it would appear I wasn’t making much progress.

– She’s fantastic at making complex and confusing financial terms almost as easy to understand as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3. This really helped me make better decisions with my money because I knew more. Her book is written the same way; easy to understand and very informative.

Again I’d like to especially thank each of you who wrote a “Get Your Money Right” book review.

Do you have any thoughts on the book? I’d love to hear from you.