There is power in the words we speak.
Click Here for Power of Words podcast. Go ahead give it a listen and let me know what you think.
For those who prefer to read on…
Today, I’d like to spend a little time discussing the power of words. If your childhood was anything like mine the first lesson you probably learned about words was “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
That lesson was an easy one to remember. And it was intended to protect you from what others may say about you. But what I know now—is that words are very powerful and if you allow them to they can hurt you. While words can’t physically harm you, they do have the ability to encourage or discourage our actions.
So, the power of words cannot be underestimated.
As Kipling once said, “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”That’s why it’s so important to be positive. Especially when it comes to the words you speak about yourself.
For example, don’t say, I’ll never get out of debt. Be more positive and say, I’m working on paying off my credit cards one at a time.
Can you see the difference?
The first example sounds like a complete lost cause, it’s as if you’ve already accepted that truth and you’re not going to do anything about it.
On the other hand, the second example sounds much more hopeful and likely to occur. While you may be in debt, you’re taking the steps now to change tomorrow.
So, I encourage you to speak more positive to yourself and others. Because the words we speak can make all the difference.
“You can create the energy to turn your dreams into reality by knowing what to say when you talk to yourself.”
– Dr. Shad Helmstetter
Always remember there’s power in the words we speak, so choose them carefully. Whether it’s about your finances or any other area of your life, speak more positive and you’re bound to have better results.
What’s Your Take: Do You Believe in the Power of Words? Why or Why Not? I’d love to hear from you on this one. 😀
I too, believe in the power of words. I’ve come learn that whatever you speak can manifest, whether good or bad. My advice is to KIM in an uplifting, as positive as possible direction.
– Mike