“Please do not leave your purse unattended.”
Do you ever go shopping and put your purse or wallet in the front of the cart? They say the average weight of a purse is a little over 6 lbs., so the convenience of the shopping cart basket invites you to take a load off. Right?
But if you’re not careful you could become a victim of theft. A second is all it takes.
The other day, yours truly was grocery shopping and I put my heavy bag in the cart. When I was walking down an aisle, a friendly elderly gentleman came up to me and pointed directly at my bag. He said, “ Watch it closely!”
I thanked him for caring enough to tell me. Then he smiled at me and told me in a passionate tone what had happened to his wife earlier that day in the same store. He said she was shopping and someone stole her purse from the cart. Unfortunately, she didn’t catch them in the act and only found out when she went into the checkout line and didn’t see her bag. She knew it was in the cart and someone must have taken it. She couldn’t pay for her groceries.
She left the store and was very upset. This became a major inconvenience beyond the checkout line. They had to call and cancel all of their credit cards. And I’m sure she’ll have to get a new ID and replace anything else of importance. Hopefully everything she lost that day was replaceable.
I thanked him for telling me what happened and shared my empathy for his wife.
Please heed this warning: Be careful and watch your purse at all times. It doesn’t matter how nice the store looks or the location you’re shopping in because people get robbed anywhere.
Watch the video below for great tips to protect your valuables in the store. Don’t be a victim of a purse snatcher.