There’s no doubt that “our children are our future.” Illinois Jump$tart recognizes the strong need to build financial capability in generations to come. That’s why I support organizations like Illinois Jump$tart with my time and money. 🙂
Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Illinois Jump$tart (ILJC) is starting something different – Action Network for Financial Empowerment.
“Launching in July 2014, ILJC’s new Action Network will bring professionals, working with youth programs and policy around Illinois, together with the most innovative concepts and informed voices in financial education for an interactive summit at the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank. The goal is to establish a new network of like minded advocates, working in different ways and different places, to accomplish a common objective: giving more young people the tools they’ll need to build secure, comfortable and productive lives.”
You’re invited to this inaugural event. Register today to attend the Action Network Summit in July!