Summer CampIt’s that time of year again. Summer is on the way. And many parents are trying to beat the summer camp sign up deadlines.

If that’s you, this post is written just for you.

Here are 3 Ways to Save on Summer Camp:

  1. Shop Around – Summer camps are offered a lot of places like schools, colleges, childcare centers, park districts, and sports facilities. If you pick up a parenting magazine, you’ll see a lot of ads for summer camps. Don’t be shy – ask other parents for suggestions and get their opinions on camps. With a good list of camps to choose from you have more options to save.
  2. Sign Up Early – Some camps offer early bird discounts (i.e. 10% off) or lower registration fees for signing up early. Last year, it took me awhile to make up my mind on a camp. So I missed the early bird deadline by a week or so. I had to pay a $100 registration, instead of $50.
  3. Ask for Sibling Discounts – These are rarely posted anywhere. But if you’re signing up two or more kids, ask if they can give you a sibling discount. Don’t be afraid to ask, all they can say is no. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Taking the time to ask this simple question last year, saved me hundreds on my daughters’ summer camp.

Do you have any other tips to save on summer camps?

Photo: photozi