“The best things in life are free” is an American Proverb. Do you believe it? The saying is so popular that there have been songs, books, musicals and poems written to tell you why – the best things in life are free.

I thought about this saying when I read TheWisdomJournal.com’s blog post, “Practical Economics: There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch”. The post suggests that absolutely nothing is free, because there is always someone who bears the cost of paying for it. I agree that many of the goods and services we receive are not really free when they are funded by tax dollars or other organizations.

However, I still feel there’s truth to the saying “The best things in life are free.”

When I think of the best things in life that are free, here’s what comes to mind:

  • Senses – The ability to see the world, hear a voice, taste your favorite food, smell a pleasant aroma or touch someone you love.
  • Sun – When was the last time you watched a sunrise or sunset?
  • Stars and Moon – The starry nights and full moons.
  • Nature – Nature’s beauty as seasons change (snowy winters, summer beaches), flowers bloom, birds sing and animals roam.
  • Life –Our faith, hopes and dreams.
  • Family and Friends – People are the real treasures in life. We share our lives – love, smiles, laughs, hugs, words of encouragement/support and memories with each other.
  • Freewill – We have the freewill to make our own choices (e.g. religion).
  • Time – What are you choosing to do with your 86,400 seconds today? Thanks for spending some of them reading this post!

Need more proof? Watch the video below to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”.

My question to you is: Are the best things in life free? Please share your opinion or thoughts using comments. I’d love to hear from you on this one. 🙂