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Give Your Time to Make a Difference

Life is a journey and sometimes it feels like we’re living it on a speedway. We’ve become masters of multi-tasking, yet it still feels like there are never enough hours in a day. Time is very precious and the art of prioritization helps us decide how we’re going to...

How to Save Money on Emergency Airfares

When it comes to airline travel, we always hear the words Plan Ahead. Well, it’s hard to plan ahead for unexpected emergencies when the top concern is getting there. Traveling for emergencies like a death in the family or sick relative. Last week on my way down to...

Support Hunger-Free Families

During these challenging economic times, food banks need your support to help feed hungry families. I joined Feeding America’s Tell 10 campaign and I encourage you to do the same. Feeding America “is the largest domestic hunger relief organization with over 200 member...

Happy Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day, a day we honor the men and women who served in the military. We salute our veterans today - Thank You for your service and dedication to our country. For those of you in Chicago, check out the Events Planned Across Chicago To Honor Veterans. "As...

Are You Clipping for Education?

November’s here and Thanksgiving is the day that sticks out most to my seven year old. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, during the month of November, I will write a weekly blog post on GIVING. I’d like to start by asking you a question — Are You Clipping for Education?...

Black Friday Deals Starting Early in 2010

Traditionally, Black Friday sales begin the day after Thanksgiving, but this year they’re starting earlier. Retailers like Sears, Target, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and Amazon are offering holiday shoppers’ deals as early as October. Upcoming Black Friday Sales Sears “Black...

Credit Cards – The Good, Bad and Ugly

What do you think of credit cards? They can be good, bad and ugly. Some may say credit cards are so BAD - you simply need to stay away from them, cut them up or freeze them. Here’s my take on credit cards - the good, bad and ugly: The Good If you use credit cards...

How to Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes today. Every year millions of victims are faced with the frustration and anguish over the time spent (sometimes years) fighting to resolve the issue. What can you do about identity theft? Safeguard your personal...