If I kept a running total of how much money my smartphone has saved me it would be thousands of dollar$. No kidding!

The return on investment is remarkable – all things considered.

This past weekend, I had to run to the store to buy a couple of carbon monoxide alarms. I must admit I had a little sticker shock seeing the prices. The alarm I wanted cost $42.99 each, which I thought was a bit pricey.

Sure, they came with all of the bells and whistles like a digital display and a plug-in with battery backup. But the price was not right! I took out my “money saving” phone and typed in a few keywords from the packaging to do a quick comparison shop.

Then lo and behold, I found the same alarm on Target’s website for $26.49.

That’s almost $20 less. Phone in hand and alarms in basket, I headed to Customer Service for a price match.

The process was painless. In fact, it was quick and easy. After I asked for a price match, the conversation went like this:

She asked me, “Who do you want to price match? I responded, “Target.com.”

She used her electronic device to look up the alarm on the website. Then she told me it was $26.49 and rung me up for two using the lower price.

I said, “Thanks! That’s some difference.” She smiled and said, “Yes, it is.”

A few minutes looking up the price online and walking up to Customer Service saved me $33 on my purchase. That’s a 37% cost savings instantly, without waiting for the alarms to be delivered on my doorstep.

Make the most of your smartphone, check out my post 3 Quick & Easy Ways Your Smartphone Can Save You Money for more money saving tips.

Happy Shopping & Saving!

Photo: samotrebizan