Happy Holidays, it’s that time of year again. I can’t believe 2022 has flown by so quickly. Pretty soon, we’ll be flipping our calendars and ringing in the New Year.

When I went to the post office, someone in line said he wasn’t interested in getting anything for Christmas. He said, “I’ve reached the age where I just want to give. But I remember the days when I used to just love ripping up the paper opening up gifts.” It’s funny how life changes our perspectives over time.

And when we think of the way we end the year with Thanksgiving and Holiday traditions that often emphasize giving, it makes you think. In the end, we must always remember the importance of being thankful and giving.

That makes me think of the last key in my book Get Your Money Right – #7 Be Grateful & Give Freely. My friend encouraged me NOT to include this key in my book because she didn’t think anyone was interested in hearing it. But I thought it was too important to leave out.

In the spirit of gratitude, I’d like to share my Top 10 Gratitude Quotes in the video below. I’m grateful for you spending your most precious, valuable resource – time with me. Thank you!

Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays! Hope your days are filled with love, peace, happiness, good health and anything else your heart desires.

Much ❤️,